"I am a student at an inner London state comprehensive when I first joined the school I can honestly say I hated science. I really struggled with biology and chemistry as I thought the subjects were too hard and it was a lot of information to take in, however I loved physics. I really love maths and when I was in my physics lesson I could see myself using the same kills that I would normally use in my maths lessons and I would apply it to my calculations in physics. After joining STEM club I realised how important, me being a female interested in physics and maths to the real world. I realised I could be someone who could change the way we live in the world. I could make a robot who could do anything you wanted it to do and I could even design rockets that could travel to the furthest planet in our solar system. Because of STEM club I realised I could accomplish all of these things, just because I admire physics and maths. In the future I want to take physics and maths A Level because of STEM club."

"Stem club means more to me than just science. I joined STEM club because I wanted to be a part of something greater and being able to contribute outside my normal science lessons. STEM club is not just a club where we can make fun things and do projects, to me, being a black female it gives me an insight into possible career options that I didn’t know exists and makes me feel that I can achieve anything I put my mind to. It also motivates me to change those statistics about black females working in STEM jobs, and I feel privileged to be a part of that."