The Power of Role Models

Who was your role model?

This weekend my niece was thrilled to tell me what she was going to be when she was older.. here it is I thought, a scientist... no, engineer.. no! Games designer.. 

A gymnast she exclaims... as she roley poleys across the kitchen floor! 

Why's that I ask... she goes on to tell me about the Olympic gymnast who came into the school to talk to the children. My niece is 5! And a lot of research suggests, especially in boys that ideas about future careers can be formed as young as 5 and 6. 

I wondered what she would have said if an astronaut had visited them instead. 

Next month STEMgirls club will introduce 90 young girls to 30 inspiring females all with careers in STEM. The idea being that our young girls will have the opportunity to not only meet amazing women who have fought against the odds to become who they are but also to open their eyes to a vast and diverse job pool. Jobs that not only offer job satisfaction but also pay well. 

If you want to be involved in the work STEMgirls is doing either to be a positive female role model or to get your students involved then visit for more information on how to get involved and join he campaign. 

Amy Ryman